The Administrative Judiciary Court headed by Judge Yahia Dakrory, Vice-President of the Council of State, today rejected the contestation of WHRD Esraa Abdel- Fattah against the Attorney General's decision of her travel ban on the lawsuit that carried No. 25 465 of 69/ judicial year, against both the Attorney General and Minister of Interior in their capacity.
The ElRaml Appeal Misdemeanor Court issued a verdict on 31 May 2015 of imprisonment against women human rights defender (WHRD) and lawyer Mahienour El-Massry and other activists, namely Youssef Shaaban and Loay ElKahwagy, for 15 months in the case known as "ElRaml Police Station", for 3 charges including "insulting the Ministry of Interior".
On March 23, 2015, lawyers were able to obtain information about the names of defendants and charges they are accused of in the case related to the incident of killing WHRD Mrs. Shaimaa ElSabbagh. The list of defendants includes prominent Lawyer and Woman Human Rights Defender Mrs. Azza Soliman, who witnessed the killing of Mrs. ElSabbagh; Mrs. Nagwa Abbass (member of the Socialist Popular Alliance Party), in addition to 15 members of the aforementioned political party and other witnesses.
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has been undergoing radical transformations in the past few years. Its people have been demanding changes of regimes and real reforms that guarantee them freedom, dignity and social justice. The tools that the people of the region have mobilized to get their voices heard by their regimes have also underwent successes and failures.
In the 59th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), affiliated to the United Nations (UN), after 20 years have passed on the Beijing Declaration:
A few state institutions have taken preliminary procedures to combat violence against women in Egypt, which include announcing, a few weeks ago, the formation of a committee that is coordinated by the National Council for Women with several ministries and a small number of civil society organizations and initiatives, for the design of a national strategy to combat violence against women, which several feminist organizations and groups and a few human rights organizations have called for it since last year.
As part of "Qanun Nashaz" campaign launched by Nazra for Feminist Studies and the Center For Egyptian Women's Legal Assistance (CEWLA) for the Elimination of Legalized Violence against Women, "The Floor is Hers" event will be held a 6:30 pm on December 3rd, at the headquarters of Nazra for Feminist Studies.