Joint Statement

Human Rights groups persevere in their advocacy despite escalating repression

10 Feb 2017

The undersigned organizations unequivocally condemn the security forces’ raid Yesterday, February 9th 2017, on the Nadeem Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and Torture. Founded in 1994, the Nadeem Center is pivotal to the Egyptian human rights movement; it is the only center to provide specialized support for the spiraling numbers of men and women who are victimized by torture and sexual violence in Egypt’s prisons and detention centers.

Research Paper

Violence Has Many Prisons: A Look at Women’s Experiences in Prisons and Detention Centers in Egypt

11 Jan 2017

The situation of women in prisons and detention centers in Egypt is not much different from their situation elsewhere. The violence, discrimination and exploitation which women face in prisons and detention centers is merely a manifestation of what most women suffer in an outside world governed by patriarchal rationale. Despite the fact that women account for a much lower percentage of inmates compared to men, ranging between 2% and 10%, the numbers of women inmates are significantly and disproportionately increasing .

Joint Statement

Closing Statement for “It Happens” Campaign

12 Dec 2016
Nazra for Feminist Studies, ElNadeem Center for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and Torture, the Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance (CEWLA), and New Woman Foundation (NWF) launched “It Happens” Campaign, within the context of the 16 Days of Activism International Campaign to Combat Violence against Women, during the period 25 November to 10 December 2016.
Blog Post

Those Awful Tahrir Rapes

8 Dec 2016

As a contribution in "It Happens" campaign to combat rape within the framework of the 16 Days of Activism campaign, Dr.Lama Abu-Odeh Professor at the Georgetown University Law Center writes about "Rapes of Tahrir"


Joint Statement

Political parties and civil society organizations reject the new associations law

24 Nov 2016

The undersigned political parties and civil society organizations condemn and reject the proposed law on civic associations drafted by parliamentary committees, because it effectively eradicates civil society and defers administration of it to the government and security apparatus. Parliament began to debate the bill and approved 40 of its 89 articles yesterday in record time. It is scheduled to resume debate on the remaining articles on November 15. We also condemn parliament’s treatment of civil society as an enemy to be defeatedthrough secret plots and laws.

Press Release

“It Happens” Campaign within the framework of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign to Combat Violence against Women

23 Nov 2016

“It Happens” is a joint campaign to combat rape that women are exposed to on a daily basis, and a crime that faces silence and complicity from both society and the state. 

Press Release

Report on 2015 House of Representative Elections

6 Sep 2016

Nazra for Feminist Studies released today its report on the House of Representative Elections that were held in 2015, In addition to a short film which documents the experience of working with some women candidates. Nazra worked closely with five women candidates with different backgrounds and political ideologies through Mentoring on the Ground Strategy.

Press Release

Launching Statement: The Forum for Women in Politics, the Arab Region

25 May 2016

Launching Statement

The Forum for Women in Politics, the Arab Region

6-9 May 2016 Beirut- Lebanon