The revolutionary court in Iran sentenced the women rights activist Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh two years and half in jail and 30 lashes, the court deemed Mahboubeh guilty for committing acts against national security through conspiracy and collusion intended to disrupt public security, disturbing public order and defiance against government officers.
This sentence shows the attitude of the Iranian regime toward Human Rights activits in general and women rights activists in particular.
The Young Arab Feminist Network was launched in Cairo from 29 April to 2 May, 19 participants from different Arab countries gathered to discuss the problems that face the young generation of the Arab feminist movement. Issues like lack of experience and absence from the decision making process, were raised. However that meeting was aiming to create a safe, diversified and knowledgeable platform for young feminists. Fatma Emam, Research Associate at Nazra participated in the event.
Nigerian Senator Ahmed Yerima "married " to 13 years old Egyptian girl, this piece of news caused huge anger within the women rights groups, because it is not the first time for the ex governor of Zemafra state who applied Sharia law, but also because it is a typical case of trafficking a minor to cross border for sexual exploitation under the name of marriage.
Senator Yerima has been questioned by the Nigerian agency of anti trafficking and after three hours of interrogation, he was released on a bail.
Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court [official backgrounder] ruled Sunday 14th March 2010 that female judges can serve on the State Council (Maglis id-Dowla), an administrative court system with jurisdiction over cases involving the state. In its ruling, the court emphasized the equality of all citizens .
The Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute (DEDI) in cooperation with the Danish Center for Information on Gender, Equality and Ethnicity (KVINFO) is implementing a project entitled Changing Masculinities, Chancing Communities, facilitating the meeting of a group of Egyptian and Danish activists, artists, academics and social workers in Cairo and Copenhagen whose work involves an awareness of masculinity as a crucial factor in the construction of social relations and communities.