
Launching Statement | Feminist Coalition for MENA Region Towards Beijing 25+

12 Mar 2020

We are activists and feminist groups from several countries across the MENA Region, who believe in the value of our solidarity, despite our different contexts we realize that we have common political, social and cultural aspects. We have witnessed the significant role of revolutions, uprisings and mobilizations, since the end of 2010 till present, to re-elaborate women demands and their relation with the public sphere, claiming their rights and gaining fights and battles in private sphere.

Press Release

Launching "Our Struggles Continue" Campaign

8 Mar 2020

Today, Nazra for Feminist Studies launches “Our Struggles Continue” campaign in the occasion of the 8th of March, the International Women’s Day.  The day that is considered an opportunity for women, for the feminist movement and for the women Human Rights Defenders all over the world to highlight different forms of their struggle and recall not only their achievements, but also the p


Launching “Non-Conforming” Campaign

9 Nov 2018


Nazra for Feminist Studies launches today “Non-Conforming” campaign, which tackles identity-based bullying with a specific focus on bullying that targets identities that do not conform to the societally-imposed gender binary.


Joint Statement

Groups and Organisations Standing with Survivors of Sexual Violence of a TV Presenter

25 Sep 2018

Throughout the past week, credible allegations of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct were made against an Egyptian Television presenter, who worked for German TV Channel Deutsche Welle (DW). The latter confirmed in a statement that the allegations are credible and the accused presenter no longer works for DW.