Nazra for Feminist Studies launches today “Non-Conforming” campaign, which tackles identity-based bullying with a specific focus on bullying that targets identities that do not conform to the societally-imposed gender binary.
For the third consecutive year, Nazra participates in “One Day One Struggle” (ODOS) international campaign that highlights sexual and bodily rights in Muslim countries, which takes place every year on 9 November and is organized by the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights (CSBR). Stemming from Nazra’s conviction that personal freedoms and bodily integrity struggles lie at the center of feminist mobilization and intersect with feminist struggles, Nazra participates in ODOS campaign to continue to engage with issues of bodily integrity, aiming to shed light on how individuals’ and groups’ bodies and identities are targeted for merely not conforming to the binaries of gender and sexuality.
Throughout the day, a collection of anonymous personal testimonies by individuals who survive(d) identity-based bullying will be published to highlight the experiences of individuals whose non-conforming identities are targeted by different forms of bullying, which is usually normalized and goes unreported. In addition, a diverse visual content will be published that provides information on definitions and types of bullying, and its effect on psychological health and how to deal with it.