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24 Apr 2013

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Nazra for Feminist Studies Presents the Journey of 16 Women who took part in the Elections of 2011

23 Apr 2013

Nazra for Feminist Studies released today its final report on the journey of 16 women candidates who took part in the elections of 2011, and were nominated on political party lists or ran as individual candidates in 8 governorates in Upper and Lower Egypt, through the women’s political participation academy that Nazra launched in October 2011.

استمارة التقديم في كلام رجالة: عرض مسرحي عن مفهوم الرجل والرجولية

7 Apr 2013

برجاء العلم أن المطلوب من المساهمن والمساهمات فقط هو إرسال القصص، بدون وجود أي إلزام لإرسال أي معلومات شخصية أو بيانات تفصح عن هوية كاتب أو كاتبة القصة. علما أن آخر موعد لإرسال القصص هو يوم الثلاثاء 30 أبريل 2013.

Research Paper

Position Paper on Sexual Violence Against Women and the Increasing Frequency of Gang Rape in Tahrir Square and its Environs

4 Feb 2013

With this paper, Nazra for Feminist Studies offers a feminist theoretical attempt to understand the rise of sexual violence against women over the past few months.   We believe that it is important to raise this issue so that different political actors, even well intentioned ones, do not exploit women’s concerns. We also wish to contribute to a debate that is currently underway on this sensitive issue based on our past experiences in combating violence against women.

Blog Post

Testimony from a Survival of Gang Rape on Tahrir Square Vicinity

26 Jan 2013

‘We Will Take Her and Then One by One, Guys’

Joint Statement

The Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition calls for death penalty charges to be dropped against Jalila Khamis Koko in Sudan

14 Dec 2012

On 13 December, Sudanese teacher and activist Jalila Khamis Koko was officially charged on five criminal counts. She faces the death penalty. The Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD IC) condemns the charges and prolonged detention of teacher and activist Jalila Khamis Koko in Sudan.

Joint Statement

Civil society Organizations Warn of Potential Rigging of Constitutional Referendum, Demand that NCHR be Excluded from Referendum Monitoring and Oversight of Civil Society

12 Dec 2012

The undersigned organizations are deeply concerned about the potential for rigging during or after the referendum on the proposed draft constitution, especially after the press conference convened today by the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR), at which it was announced that organizations seeking to monitor the vote must obtain authorization from the Council. The undersigned groups further reject the NCHR as a custodian over civil society organizations.

Joint Statement

The President, his Group, and the Government Must Cease their Policy of Targeting Female Activists and Excluding Women from the Public Sphere

12 Dec 2012

Repetition of Black Wednesday Events with Different Players and Offenders

The undersigned feminist and human rights organizations express deep concern due to the escalation of state policies that reinforce the state of impunity and which refrain from protecting citizens and securing peaceful assemblies. The organizations also condemn the perpetuation of the approach of groups that support the regime in targeting female activists and excluding women from the public sphere through direct incitement and aggression.

Joint Statement

The President Must Take Urgent Steps to Prevent Egypt from Sliding into Civil War

6 Dec 2012

The undersigned Egyptian human rights organizations express their grave concern regarding the recent developments that are rapidly pushing Egypt toward the brink of civil war, the first signs of which were seen in the street battles and exchanges of violence which occurred yesterday in the area surrounding the presidential palace in Cairo and in a number of other governorates.  These developments took place when the Muslim Brotherhood incited its supporters to attack the demonstrators who were conducting a peaceful sit-in in front of the presidential palace

Press Release

Checklist for the Egyptian Government: Justice for Women Human Rights Defenders

29 Nov 2012

Nazra for Feminist Studies issued a checklist for the Egyptian government today that provides steps as to how to achieve justice for women human rights defenders (WHRDs) as per international human rights standards.