Free Wave Campaign: One Movement, Colorful Waves

Free Wave Campaign: One Movement, Colorful Waves

Press Release

8 Mar 2018


Several feminists consider the context after 2011 as the initiation of the fourth wave of the Egyptian feminist movement, where the revolution provided the opportunity for many women of different ages and social, economic and educational backgrounds to exist in diverse forms in the public sphere, where its landscape was being reshaped in Egypt entirely. However, soon this opportunity was hindered by numerous challenges; despite the increase in women’s political participation in parliament, political parties and syndicates, and the rise in the voice of women’s demands to their right to actively occupy decision-making positions, the enhancement of women’s participation in political, social and cultural arenas in Egypt cannot become a lucid reality without the provision of a safe public sphere for them, and without the continued combat of all forms of violence and discrimination that women face in both private and public spheres.

Within this context, Nazra for Feminist Studies launches a campaign entitled: “Free Wave”, commemorating International Women’s Day on 8 March, over a period of 9 days, ending on Egyptian Woman’s Day on 16 March 2018.

“Free Wave” campaign seeks to shed light on the evolution of the discourse and tools used by the feminist movement in different issues including: Combat of sexual violence on the level of organizations, groups and individuals; women’s participation in different political arenas (parliament - governments - governors’ appointments - syndicates - Constitution Writing Committee); in addition to the emergence of young feminist groups and initiatives in different local communities and others on social media, in line with the activism of a number of women human rights defenders (WHRDs) from different governorates in Egypt to defend human rights issues, in numerous continued attempts to combat violations.

The campaign publishes a group of visual designs, papers and videos that clarify the different paths within the fourth wave of the feminist movement which started in 2011 and continues until now.


One Movement, Colorful Waves

